(CEO LE’NALORS) What things do you find yourself doing that you said you'd "never" do?
(SONNICA) Being a REBEL I have always wanted that feeling of being in a group or clique and knowing that their will always be someone there for you and have your back. I would talk about and make fun of the "loners and misfits" but strangly enough as I got older I turned into MY OWN person and stood out not as a misfit but as someone misunderstood. I dont need to walk in a group to feel confident! I am ME and I stand alone as the REBEL I was born to be :)
(CEO LE’NALORS) What do you believe is the key to be successful?
(SONNICA) -Faith, thru God all things are possible
-Strength, you've got to carry on. Regardless of the situation, you have to be strong
-Courage, dare to be DIFFERENT!
-Imagination, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination" -albert einstein
(CEO LE’NALORS) When people look back at your life, how do you want to be remembered?
(SONNICA) I want to be remember for all the GOOD I have done, and will do. I want to be GREAT and do GREAT things! People will remember all the mistakes but I know my good deeds will out last them :)
(CEO LE’NALORS) Is there any way to be contacted for information or any things you are working on ?.
(SONNICA) I can be reached via email: pinkdevil.sc@gmail.com
via facebook: (search) Sonnica Clifton
& website coming soon :)
(CEO LE’NALORS) I would love to Thank Sonnica for taking the time out to do this interview and I hope that she meets all her goals .. I always enjoy hearing goals and show people on their grind and sharing a little bit of their stories with us .. Thanks Again Sonnica and I know PINK DEVIL APPERAL will take off for you
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